Kudzu: "The bride is like, 'I do'"
Pardon My Planet: "I figure they're lying..."
9 Chickweed Lane: "This looks like a job for..."
Heathcliff: "Room for a laptop"
Rhymes with Orange: "I'm Sue Denim"
Pardon My Planet: "It should be quite a relief"
Pardon My Planet: "He's a drug dog"
9 Chickweed Lane: "Could I have the funnies?"
Close to Home: Ditch your online date
Drabble: "Lamest idea for a fun evening out"
Real Life Adventures: "My wife is a PC"
Monty: "They all have one thing on their minds"
Diesel Sweeties: "It's not a boycott..."
Rhymes with Orange: "A jug of wine..."
Monty: "Something seems fishy"
Cathy: "Run for your life!"
Drabble: "It's just the TV"
Brewster Rockit: "And the word 'I'"
Shoe: "She was way too needy"
Six Chix: I Can't Believe It's Not Butter
Hi & Lois: "We planned ahead"
9 Chickweed Lane: "Drop dead"
Close to Home: "To her dismay..."
Non Sequitur: Moses' press secretary
Crock: "We've marched days..."
Monty: "The genuine love and support..."
For Better or Worse: "By leaving you alone...?"
Shoe: "The story just took over"
Bizarro: "You were a believer, yes"
Drabble: Weiner dog awareness day
Crankshaft: "I'll try to be nicer..."
Crankshaft: "No, but thanks for asking"